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Lion Scouts

Lion Cub Scouts

If you are a Cub Scout in kindergartner, you wear a unique t-shirt with the Lion logo, a distinctive tan neckerchief and slide, plus a special Lion hat.

Tiger Scout

Tiger/Wolf/Bear Cub Scouts

If you are in first, second, or third grade, you will wear a blue shirt, blue belt, and a neckerchief & slide in the correct color for your rank—orange for Tigers, red for Wolves, and blue for Bears. You can also wear a matching hat for your den.

Webelos Scouts

Webelos Scouts

Fourth and fifth grade Webelos Scouts can choose between the blue Cub Scout shirt or the tan Scouts BSA shirt that the older Scouts and leaders wear. All Webelos Scouts will wear the Webelos neckerchief, which is yellow, blue, and red plaid. A matching Webelos hat is optional.

Our belief is that being in uniform gives a scout a sense of belonging to the the group, and a sense of pride in what they are doing.

The uniform will consist of (Pack 620 has adopted a “waist up” uniform)

  • Blue T-shirt & Hat for Lions
  • A blue Scout shirt for Tiger, Wolf and Bear
  • A khaki Scout shirt for WEBELOS and Arrow of Light
  • A neckerchief specific to your rank
  • A Scout belt
  • Patches: Longhorn Council, 620 Numbers, World Crest, 1910 World Crest Ring, Den Number
  • Optional items may include a cap, scout socks, scout pants/shorts, and a brag vest

Scout Shop

Uniforms can be purchased at the local Scout Shop in Fort Worth or Hurst or at

Address: 850 Cannon Dr., Hurst, TX 76054

Phone:  817-427-1555

Hours: Scout Shops