Costs of Cub Scouting
National Registration
per year
12-month scouting membership fee
handbook, shirt, belt, patches, neckerchief, and slide
Ask about our uniform closet
per campout or event
cost to cover campout food or special event registration
Pack 620 provides award patches, pins, and belt loops, as well as a new neckerchief each year. We fund awards and our program through fundraising. Key fundraisers include popcorn sales in the fall and setup and take down of US Flags for holidays through the Burleson Rotary Club.
The Pack has adopted fundraising accounts for each Scout! Each scout can earn a share of the Pack’s fundraising earnings. Scouts can apply these funds to the cost of any scouting activity, including campout registration, summer activities with a fee, overnight trips, annual registration, etc. Scouts who help with the Rotary Club flag distribution and pick-up will receive an equal share based on group attendance numbers. Scouts assisting with popcorn sales will receive a portion of earnings from their sales into their scout account.