For over 75 years, parents have made Cub Scouting an enriching experience for their scouts. Scouting is a volunteer effort, and we need your help to provide the best Cub Scout program for your son or daughter. Your involvement ensures that our pack is on its Journey to Excellence. By each family volunteering for 100 points, you will aid in ensuring that your child gets a great Scouting program. With everyone doing a little it makes it easy to provide a quality program for our scouts. Thank you for your support.
100 Points:
CUBMASTER OR ASSISTANT – Plan and help carry out the Cub Scout program in the pack. Attend leader training, monthly committee meeting, and monthly Pack meeting. This includes leading the monthly pack meeting with the help of other leaders. Complete BSA adult registration form and leader-specific training required.
DEN LEADER OR ASSISTANT – attend leader training, monthly committee meeting, monthly Pack meeting, and run weekly den meetings. Complete BSA adult registration form and online leader-specific training required.
TITLED COMMITTEE PERSON – attend basic training, monthly committee meeting, monthly Pack meeting, and perform titled job (i.e. Treasure, Secretary, Awards, Activities, Membership, Webmaster, Trainer, Fundraising, Pack Equipment, Chair). Complete the BSA adult registration form required and online leader-specific training required.
- Committee Chair – The pack committee chair leads the pack committee and is responsible for the administration, oversight, and support of the pack program.
- Pack Treasure – The treasurer ensures the pack’s finances are sound. Establishes a sound financial program for the pack with a pack budget plan. Keep up-to-date financial records. Approves all budget expenditures. Reports on the pack’s financial condition at the monthly pack leaders’ meeting.
- Pack Secretary – Ensures proper records are kept within the pack, keeps notes on business conducted at pack leaders’ meetings, and acquaints den leaders with Scoutbook.
- Awards Coordinator –The advancement coordinator helps Cub Scouts move through the ranks and transition into a Scouts BSA troop. Procures awards.
- Activities Coordinator – plan and arrange for pack activities
- Membership Coordinator – Along with the Cubmaster and pack committee, develop and carry out a plan for year-round membership growth.
- Public Relations/Webmaster – Keeps pack activities visible to the public and the families of the pack.
- Pack Trainer – Share, track, and encourage leader training
- Fundraising Coordinator – Guide the pack in conducting council-approved pack money-earning projects.
- Pack Equipment Coordinator – Inventory, organize and maintain pack equipment.
80 Points:
COMMITTEE MEMBER AT LARGE – attend basic training, and attend at least four (4) monthly committee and Pack meetings. Complete BSA adult registration form and online leader-specific training required.
PINEWOOD DERBY COORDINATOR – works with the pack committee and volunteers to plan and run Pinewood Derby
BLUE AND GOLD COORDINATOR– works with the pack committee and volunteers to plan and run Blue and Gold
40 Points:
PINEWOOD DERBY – Assist with setup, take down, and running pinewood derby event in Feb.
BLUE & GOLD BANQUET – Assist with planning for the Blue and Gold Banquet. Need volunteers to help set up, decorate, cook, serve food, and clean up.
POPCORN SALES – Participate with your scout in at least four show and sell time slots.
ROTARY CLUB FLAGS – Participate with your scout on at least four flag distribution or pick-up days
RECRUITING EVENTS – Â Represent the pack at a back-to-school or community recruiting event.
20 Points:
SCOUTING FOR FOOD – Participate with your scout
DEN MEETING LEADER – Plan, organize, and execute a den meeting or activity for a week
PACK MEETING ACTIVITY – Work with Cubmaster to plan, organize, and execute an activity during a pack meeting or campout.