About Pack 620
Pack 620 meets at Pathway Church in Burleson, Texas. Tuesdays at 7:00 during the BISD school year.
We have two exciting outdoor events per month during the summer.
Cub Scouting is fun for the whole family. In Scouting, boys, and girls start with their best right now selves and grow into their very best future selves. It’s fun, hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today – and for life.

Pack 620 has an exciting Cub Scout program, including:
– Fall and Spring Pack Campouts
– Pinewood Derby Race in January
– Blue and Gold Banquet each February
Meetings are every Tuesday at 7:00 during the Burleson ISD school year
If Burleson ISD does not have school that Tuesday we do not meet
Pack Meetings (once a month)
– All the Dens meet as one Pack, perform skits and songs, participate in team building activities and are individually recognized for their achievements during the month.
– Time for families to come together to recognize the accomplishments of the scouts.
– Announcements concerning upcoming events.
Den Meetings (all other tuesdays that month)
– Scouts meet in their specific groups to work on requirements toward rank.
– Go on field trips and have FUN!
– Lion and Tiger Cub parents are required to remain at all times as this is considered a “partnership” between parent and scout.
– Wolf, Bear and WEBELOS parents are highly encouraged to participate.