This Friday night starting at 5:30 is our Lock In at Pathway Church! We’ll will be teaming up with Troop 527 for this event! In the early evening, invite your friends to check out our Pack and the Troop while we do our STEM activities, then later in the evening, the visitors will go home and we’ll settle in with movies and video games before going to sleep.
Bring: Sleeping gear (sleeping bag, blanket, cot etc) and any snacks. Optional to come in pajamas, and if anyone wants to only stay Friday night that is okay as well.
Please make sure your scout has dinner before you bring them because we will only be doing ice cream in the evening and then a grab and go breakfast Saturday morning. We need to be out of the church by 8am Saturday so plan on departing between 7 and 7:30.
We will also be collecting money for the Railroaders Scout Night Game on 21 Aug. Cost is $20 for a game ticket, hot dog bag of chips, and drink. Deadline to sign up with the pack is the lock in, tickets purchased the day of the event is $25.
Activities Planned:
Baking Soda/Vinegar Volcanoes
Legos Rube Goldberg maze building
NOVA Swing! Award Activities
We’re going to start settling the kids down around 8:30 and the Leaders are going to have an activities planning meeting for the upcoming school/scouting year. If you have any suggestions, please talk to your den leader prior to the activity so they can add it into our ideas pool. Any parents/adults that don’t plan on spending the night, but CAN stay until about 10pm to help keep an eye on the kids during our planning meeting is appreciated.
Upcoming Events:
6-7 Aug Lock In at Pathway
21 Aug Railroaders Game
24 Aug First Den Meeting
31 Aug Rally Night
7 Sep New Parent Orientation and Cyber Chip Pack Meeting
TBD (10-12 Sep or 17-20) Welcome to Webelos Den Campout
25 Sep District Family Fall Fun Day (including shooting sports)
1-3 Oct Fall Campout at Holiday Park
Bring: Sleeping gear (sleeping bag, blanket, cot etc) and any snacks. Optional to come in pajamas, and if anyone wants to only stay Friday night that is okay as well.
Please make sure your scout has dinner before you bring them because we will only be doing ice cream in the evening and then a grab and go breakfast Saturday morning. We need to be out of the church by 8am Saturday so plan on departing between 7 and 7:30.
We will also be collecting money for the Railroaders Scout Night Game on 21 Aug. Cost is $20 for a game ticket, hot dog bag of chips, and drink. Deadline to sign up with the pack is the lock in, tickets purchased the day of the event is $25.
Activities Planned:
Baking Soda/Vinegar Volcanoes
Legos Rube Goldberg maze building
NOVA Swing! Award Activities
We’re going to start settling the kids down around 8:30 and the Leaders are going to have an activities planning meeting for the upcoming school/scouting year. If you have any suggestions, please talk to your den leader prior to the activity so they can add it into our ideas pool. Any parents/adults that don’t plan on spending the night, but CAN stay until about 10pm to help keep an eye on the kids during our planning meeting is appreciated.
Upcoming Events:
6-7 Aug Lock In at Pathway
21 Aug Railroaders Game
24 Aug First Den Meeting
31 Aug Rally Night
7 Sep New Parent Orientation and Cyber Chip Pack Meeting
TBD (10-12 Sep or 17-20) Welcome to Webelos Den Campout
25 Sep District Family Fall Fun Day (including shooting sports)
1-3 Oct Fall Campout at Holiday Park