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Den Meeting Tonight

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Tonight we will continue the First Responder Adventure learning about first aid. Before the meeting at 6pm there is an opportunity to help bag candy for the Burleson Boo Bash. After the meeting tonight leaders have our monthly committee meeting and all parents are welcome to attend.

Next Weeks (26Oct) Den Meeting will be at Briaroaks Fire Station, 8232 County Rd 528, Burleson, TX

We have been invited by Troop 811 in Cleburne to camp with them at the district Webeloree campout 5-7 Nov at Camp Holland in Weatherford. Please let me know if your scout is interested in attending this additional camping opportunity. Cost is $15 per scout and $10 per adult. Need to get a headcount this week so we can get registered.

We have a Den Hike planned for Saturday 13 Nov at 9am November at Cleburne State Park for our scouts to earn the required Webelos Walkabout Adventure.

If you didn’t receive a wreath fundraising packet last week, please be sure to grab one. Sales are due 10/29. The pack earns the most through online sales so Becky Z. had asked us to emphasize those.