At the den meeting tomorrow we finish the Engineer Adventure. From last week each scout needs to pick one type of engineer and research what they do. Come to the meeting with three things your type of engineer does to share with the den.
Several of our scouts completed their Webelos Badge last week and we just have a few requirements remaining for everyone to complete their Webelos Badge. The requirements remaining are listed below, please work with your scout to complete and mark as completed in scoutbook or let me know so I can update.
Scouts still needing to complete Duty to God and You: Joe, Tristan, and Wyatt
Scouts still needing to complete Stronger, Faster, Higher: Thomas T and Wyatt
Scouts still needing to complete Webelos Walkabout: Wyatt
Scouts still needing to complete pamphlet requirement: Joe and Tristan
Scouts still needing cyber chip requirement: Joe and Thomas T. Watch videos @
Next week Thursday, Feb 3rd the pack will be holding a fundraiser at Dairy Queen in Burleson and Joshua. We will get a % of sales for helping at each location that night. Look for a signup genius signup from the pack soon. After lower participation in the wreath sales, the pack can use this additional fundraiser so please sign up for a shift if you can.
Scout Sunday at Pathway Church is coming up Sunday 6 Feb. This is one of the ways that our Pack and the other units in the church say “Thank you” to Pathway for letting us use their space! The Scouts will be working with the church to assist in services for the day.
Need to start getting an idea who is camping next month for the Troop 554 campout 18-20 Feb. Please let me know if you and your scout plan to attend. The meeting prior on 15 Feb we will meet with the T554 in Crowley to plan campout menus.
Another camping opportunity came up for the weekend of 4-6 March to camp with other Webelos from other packs as we did at the Webeloree in the fall. Still waiting on the confirmation of activities during this campout. Cost is $15 per scout and $5 per adult + food cost.
So far we have a tentative count for 12 of the 15 needed to camp on the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi March 26-27th. The cost of the program is $75 a night per person. If anyone else is interested please let me know at this next den meeting.
We will open up zoom for a hybrid meeting this week in case anyone needs it.
Spring Calendar:
25 Jan – Den Meeting – Engineer
1 Feb – February Pack Meeting
3 Feb – Fundraiser at Dairy Queen in Burleson and Joshua
6 Feb – Scout Sunday @9:30 or @11
8 Feb – Den Meeting
15 Feb – Den Meeting @ T554 for campout planning
18-20 Feb – Webelos Campout with T554
22 Feb – Den Meeting
26 Feb – Blue and Gold Banquet 11am
1 Mar – March Pack Meeting
4-6 Mar — Spring Webeloree Campout
8 Mar – Den Meeting
15 Mar – No Meeting Spring Break
22 Mar – Den Meeting
26-27 Mar – Den Campout on USS Lexington or Local Den Campout
29 Mar – No Meeting After Campout
5 Apr – April Pack Meeting
12 Apr – Den Meeting
19 Apr – Den Meeting
26 Apr – Den Meeting
29Apr-1May – Spring Family Campout and Crossover to Arrow of Light
3 May – No Meeting After Campout
10 May – Den Meeting
17 May – Den Meeting
24 May – Pack End of Year Party