family camping
Pack 620 plans a fall and spring family campout each year. Look forward to fun Cub Scout weekends with pack and den activities for the whole family. It is just what it says: family camping. All Parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, etc., are welcome.
Webelos and Arrow of Light (4th and 5th grade) scouts typically have additional den campouts and camp with local Scouts BSA troops.
We plan menus and camp as dens and have scheduled activities as dens and as a pack. Before each campout, you will receive additional information and a list of recommended camping equipment. Please do not feel obligated to run out and purchase any of these items, as many families, as well as the pack, have extra supplies which may be borrowed.
What to Bring Camping
family camping gear
Tent & Ground Cloth • Sleeping Bags or Blankets • Sleeping Pad or Air Mattress • Pillows • Camping Chairs • Bug Repellent
6 Cub Scout Essentials
Filled Water Bottle • First Aid Kit • Flashlight • Sun Protection • Trail Food • Emergency Whistle
Cub Scout Uniform • Pack T-shirt • Jeans • Poncho or Raincoat • Pajamas • Durable Shoes • Hat • Extra socks, shoes, and other clothing
Council Events
The Longhorn Council plans multiple outdoor events for Cub Scouts that dens or families may participate
Cub Camp
Three days of outdoor adventures and fun for Cub Scouts & parents with all your favorite Cub Scout Activities BB guns, archery, hiking, crafts, games, outdoor skills, fossils, bugs, critters, advancement, & more!
Cub O
Cub-O is an orienteering event designed for everyone to enjoy: dens that compete hard, dens that want an easy hike in the woods, and dens that want to teach their youth more about problem-solving and map reading.