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Pack Meeting and Webeloree Campout InFo

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Tuesday is our November Pack Meeting. Our scouts will be receiving awards and presenting a skit for the Thankful theme.

We are registered for the Santa Fe District Webeloree Campout Next Weekend (5-7 Nov). Seven scouts signed up: Azrael, Brayden, Danny, Jeremiah, Joe, Tommy, and Wyatt. If you have not paid registration of $15 per scout and $10 per adult you can at the pack meeting or at the campout. For every adult that is camping I need a copy of their Youth Protection Training Certificate from, please bring it to the pack meeting or email me a copy which we will have to turn in to check into camp.

Webelos Walkabout requirement for scouts to prepare lunches to carry on the hike. Scouts will cook their meals as a patrol. There is a dessert cooking competition Saturday night for both the scouts and the adults.
Friday Evening Snack: Cheese, summer sausage, and crackers
Sat Breakfast: Pancakes and Bacon
Sat Lunch: Turkey or Ham Sandwiches, trail mix
Sat Dinner: Chicken Fajitas, cobbler for desert
Sun Breakfast: Sausage and egg tacos

What to Bring:
Webelos Uniform for the morning flag ceremony, campfire, and chapel
Pack T-shirt for Saturday activities

Camping Gear:
Tent & Ground Cloth, Sleeping Bags or Blankets, Sleeting Pad, Camp Chair

Basic Scout Essentials: (should pack in a backpack for the hike)
First Aid Kit, Extra Clothing, Rain Gear, Filled Water Bottle, Pocketknife, Flashlight, Trail Food, Sun Protection, and Compass

Personal Essentials:
Jeans, Pajamas, Durable Shoes, Hat

Medical Forms, each participant must complete a BSA Annual Health Record which can be found at*MTYzNTY0MzQ5NS4xLjAuMTYzNTY0MzQ5NS42MA..
COVID-19 Camp Participant Statement

Friday, Nov 5th
4:00 – 8:30 PM Check-in, set up camp
11:00 PM Lights Out, quiet hours for camp

Saturday, Nov 6th
7:00 AM Reveille
7:30 – 8:30 AM Breakfast and Camp Clean Up
8:45 AM Assembly at flagpole, uniform inspection, and presentation of patrol flags
9:00 AM Campsite Inspections
9:00 – 11:00 AM Fire Responder Adventure
11:00 – 11:30 AM Prepare for Webelos Walkabout Hike
11:30 – 2:00 PM Hike
Earth Rocks Adventure on Hike
12:30 PM Stop for Lunch
2:30 – 3:30 PM Into The Woods Adventure
3:30 – 4:40 PM Fire Starting
5:00 PM Receive mystery ingredient for cooking competition
6:00 – 7:30 PM Dinner
7:15 PM Cooking Competition – Present entries
8:00 PM Evening Assembly at Flagpole/Evening Campfire
11:00 PM Lights Out, quite hours for camp

Sunday, Nov 7th
8:30 AM Reveille
8:30 – 9:30 AM Breakfast/Cleanup
9:30 AM Chapel
10:00 AM Break down camp, checkout

Webeloree Events:
Webelos Adventures: Scouts will be able to earn Webelos Walkabout, Earth Rocks, and Into the Woods Adventures.

Webelos/Arrows Dessert Competition: The dish must be prepared without adult assistance. Leaders may supervise Webelos for safety but must not assist in the cooking. Each patrol may enter a dessert. Entries are to be brought to the HQ between 7:15 PM. This will be a blind tasting. Please bring a copy of the recipe with you for the Judges. There should be enough for six judges to taste. Scoring: Appearance, taste, creativity, and presentation.

Adult Dessert Competition: The dish must be prepared without youth assistance. Each patrol may enter a dessert. Entries are to be brought to the HQ between 7:15 PM. This will be a blind tasting. Please bring a copy of the recipe with you for the Judges. There should be enough for six judges to taste. Scoring: Appearance, taste, creativity, and presentation.

Campsite Competition: Campsite inspections will be scored for Best overall unit. Judges will not enter tents. Inspections will be conducted between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Saturday. (First aid kit available, hand washing station, trash picked up, no unattended fires, patrol duty roster filled out and posted, dining area clean, menu posted, tents setup orderly, no cars in camp, trip hazards are marked, equipment stored properly, unit identified, American and Pack Flags displayed, unit identified)

Patrol Flag Competition: Friday night each Patrol will be asked to bring forward their flag and tell us what it says about their adventuring style.

BALOO Training is occurring at camp during the same time as the Webeloree for any pack leaders that would like to attend, registration and info is available at at