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Den Meeting Tonight

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Don’t miss out den meeting tonight we will be learning about First Aid and CPR for the First Responder Adventure. Expect a fun hands on learning experience with our First Responders the Pribble’s.

Next week we finish First Aid and CPR and start Fire Safety and then on the Oct 26th we will meet at the Briaroaks Fire Department to finish the First Responder Adventure.

We have been invited by Troop 811 in Cleburne to camp with them at the district Webeloree campout 5-7 Nov at Camp Holland in Weatherford. Please let me know if your scout is interested in attending this additional camping opportunity. Cost is $15 per scout and $10 per adult.

We have a Den Hike planned for the weekend 13/14 November at Cleburne State Park for our scouts to earn the required Webelos Walkabout Adventure. I launched a poll on our Facebook Group to get everyones input on the best time for the hike. Please vote for your preferred time. (Saturday 13 Nov 9:00-11:00, Saturday 13 Nov 3:00-5:00, or Sunday 14 Nov 2:00-4:00)