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Home » Reminder: Welcome to Webelos Den Campout

Reminder: Welcome to Webelos Den Campout

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Our Welcome to Webelos Campout will be 18-19 September at Pathway Church as part of their Scout Weekend ending with Scout Sunday at Pathway Church. We will create patrol flags, and start the Duty to God and You and Castaway Adventures. Our den will be camping with the AOL Den and Troop 527 that meets at Pathway. The campout will start Saturday morning and last through midday Sunday. Camping will take place in the field next to the church. Please email or text me to let me know if your scout will be attending and the total attendees from your family.
Meals:We will be working as a den to plan our menu during the 14 Sep Den Meeting. For the Castaway Adve nture scouts will cook two meals that do not require pots and pans. Scouts will cook their meals as a patrol during this campout. If anyone in your family has dietary or allergy concerns please let me know before the 14 Sep den meeting. The estimated cost per person for food is $8-10.


What to Bring:

Camping Gear:

Tent & Ground Cloth, Sleeping Bags or Blankets, Sleeting Pad, Camp Chair

Basic Scout Essentials:

First Aid Kit, Extra Clothing, Rain Gear, Filled Water Bottle, Pocketknife, Flashlight, Trail Food, Sun Protection, and Compass

Personal Essentials:

Cub Scout Uniform, Pack T-shirt, Jeans, Pajamas, Durable Shoes, Hat

Survival Kit:

Each scout should build a personal survival kit for the castaway adventure. Page 304-305 of your handbook list helpful items

Medical Forms, each participant must complete a BSA Annual Health Record which can be found at https://filestore.scoutin…ODY2OS42MA.


  • Saturday
  • 09:00 Arrive at Camp, Setup
  • 10:00 Fire Safety
  • 10:30 Fire Building Activity
  • 11:30 Lunch Prep
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 1:00 Patrol Flag Building
  • 2:00 Castaway Water Treatment Demo
  • 2:30 Afternoon Activity
  • 4:30 Dinner Prep
  • 7:00 Campfire
  • 9:00 Lights Out


  • 07:30 Breakfast
  • 08:30 Duty to God and You Den Meeting
  • 09:30 Scout Sunday
  • 10:30 Camp Open for Visitors from Church and Scout Games
  • 12:00 Break Camp