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Home ยป 16 Nov Den Meeting

16 Nov Den Meeting

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Tonight we will start the Stronger, Faster, Higher Adventure for the Webelos badge, We will be stretching, running, jumping, doing push-ups, curls, and jumping rope. Each scout will develop a 30-day exercise plan that they will need to track progress weekly to earn this adventure for their Webelos badge.

No Meeting Next week for Thanksgiving.

If your scout did not hike last week or at the Webeloree campout, please work with them to complete the Webelos Walkabout (3-mile hike) adventure.

Christmas Wreaths: Online orders can still be placed up until 1 Dec. Scouts who sell 10+ wreaths will get 1/2 of rechartered paid or 20+ for all of recharter.

Recharter membership fees are due $87 are due for next year’s registration. Scouts who are paid by 1 Dec will have pinewood derby car kits at the Dec Pack Meeting.

Upcoming Events
23 Nov No Meeting for Thanksgiving break
30 Nov Den Meeting
7 Dec December Pack Meeting (pinewood derby kits)
14 Dec Pinewood Derby Workday and Christmas Party
7 Jan Pinewood Derby Car Inbound
8 Jan Pinewood Derby
18-20 Feb Webelos Campout with T554